Complete Magic Guide

Magic is an important part of every Dominion.

Ensuring you have enough Mana to cast certain spells on time can have a big impact on a Dominion’s economy.

How to use Magic


How your Wizards & ArchMages work


Self Spells

The following spells can only be cast on your own Dominion and they are available to all playable Races.

  • Ares’ Call: Increases your Dominion’s defense by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Midas Touch: Increases your Dominion’s Platinum production by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Gaia’s Watch: Increases your Dominion’s Food production by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Mining Strength: Increases your Dominion’s Ore production by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Harmony: Increases your Dominion’s Population growth rate by 50% for 12 hours.
  • Energy Mirror: Provides a 20% chance to reflect incoming offensive spells for 12 hours.
  • Fool’s Gold: Provides 100% Platinum theft protection for 10 hours. This spell requires 22 hours to “recharge.”
  • Surreal Perception: Reveals the source of Spells or Espionage operations against your Dominion for 8 hours.

Info Gathering Spells

The following spells can be cast on other Dominions and they are available to all playable Races. The success rate of information gathering spells is determined by your Wizards Per Acre compared to your target’s Wizards Per Acre. You can view the formula for spell success in the Formulas Guide.

  • Clear Sight: Reveals the Status Screen of the targeted Dominion.
  • Revelation: Reveals all of the Spells currently active on the targeted Dominion.
  • Vision: Reveals all of the acquired Technologies of the targeted Dominion.

Offensive Spells

The following spells can be cast on other Dominions and they are available to all playable Races.

  • Plague: Reduces population growth rate by 50% for 12 hours.
  • Insect Swarm: Reduces Food production by 15% for 12 hours.
  • Great Flood:  Reduces Boat production by 50% for 12 hours.
  • Earthquake: Reduces Gem production by 5% for 12 hours.

War Spells

The following spells can only be cast when your Realm is currently at war with another. War Spells can be cast on other Dominions and they are available to all playable Races.

  • Fireball: Kills Peasants and destroys stockpiled Food in the target Dominion.
  • Lightning Bolt: Eliminates investment points from the target Dominion’s Castle Improvements.
  • Disband Spies: Reverts Spies to Draftees in the target Dominion.

Race Exclusive Spells

The following spells are exclusive to each Race and you can only access them if you are a certain playable race.

  • Alchemist’s Flame: Firewalker
    Increases each Alchemy in your Dominion’s Platinum production by 15 for 12 hours.
  • Blizzard: Icekin
    Increases your Dominion’s defense by 15% for 12 hours. This spell is not cumulative with Ares’ Call.
  • Blood Rage: Orc
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive power by 10% and increases your Military’s offensive casualties by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Crusade: Human and Nomad
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive power by 5% and allows your Military to kill Spirit and Undead units.
  • Defensive Frenzy: Halfling
    Increases your Dominion’s defensive power by 20% for 12 hours. This spell is not cumulative with Ares’ Call.
  • Erosion: Merfolk & Lizardfolk
    When this spell is active, 20% of land captured by your Dominion is automatically converted into Water. This spell has a duration of 12 hours.
  • Gaia’s Blessing: Wood Elf
    Increases your Dominion’s Food production by 20% and your Lumber production by 10% for 12 hours. This spell is not cumulative with Gaia’s Watch.
  • Howling: Kobold
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive and defensive power by 10% for 12 hours. This spell is not cumulative with Ares’ Call.
  • Killing Rage: Goblin
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive power by 10% for 12 hours.
  • Mechanical Genius: Gnome
    Reduces your Dominion’s re-zoning costs by 30% for 12 hours.
  • Miner’s Sight: Dwarf
    Increases your Dominion’s Ore production by 20% for 12 hours. This spell is not cumulative with Mining Strength.
  • Nightfall: Nox
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive power by 5% for 12 hours.
  • Parasitic Hunger: Spirit, Undead and Lycanthrope
    Increases your Military’s rate of converting enemy casualties into new troops for your Dominion upon successful invasions for 12 hours.
  • Regeneration: Troll
    Reduces your Military’s casualties by 25% for 12 hours.
  • Unholy Ghost: Dark Elf
    When this spell is active, the Draftees of Dominions you invade will not participate in combat. This spell has a duration of 12 hours. Each Draftee is typically worth 1 defense point but with spell active they are worth 0.
  • War Song: Sylvan
    Increases your Dominion’s offensive power by 10% for 12 hours.
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